Practice meet at Garbutt Farm, Cold Kirkby - 26 June 2016
On a pleasant Sunday 8 guild members met at Garbutt Farm on the top of Sutton Bank to progress the wall along the drive. Plenty more stone had to be brought in as the existing wall had mostly turned to dust. The flat rough limestone produces a nice rustic finish and doesn't need any hammer work (which is a nice change)
Photos: John Pridmore
Part built section from the last build
Graham and Peter remove the dust. Dennis still surveying the site!!
Ray takes over the surveyor's role from Dennis. Who is the skinny person with the gloves on behind Graham
Foundations in, progress being made
Dennis on Sunday prayers
Thin stone means the wall only comes up slowly
Michael does an impression of a topstone
Tea break. Graham looks like he is hoping Dennis will share
Has Michael moved at all today?
Another nice view from the office
Still no movement from Michael
Dennis surveys the next section
Blimey. More breaks than a KitKat
The Chairman must have cracked the whip as the wall has shot up
Ready for the top stones
The crew for the day
Finished for the day
Finished for the day