Course at Beckwithshaw Cricket Club, Harrogate - 8/9 October 2011
A training course was held at Beckwithshaw Cricket Club. The trainees were relieved to be working alongside the wood as it offered some shelter from the persistent drizzle that came down all weekend. The group repaired a section that had been derelict for many years and the finished result was an excellent job and major improvement to the section of the ground. Mark also came along to learn how to build a wall end (so we made him build two of them, for extra practice)
Photos: John Pridmore
Mark creates a gap to start his wall ends
Looking at the rest of the wall, he was lucky the whole lot didn't come down
Nice job of getting ready for the foundations
Blimey! I turn my back and they've got four courses on!
Topping off on day one
Well done Mark, great first effort
Next section stripped out. These trainees don't hang about
Topped off cock and hen style
Making sure the fillings are tight
Stripping out the old wall
Another section finished off
The finished job. Great result for a first effort
A small section is taken down for the students to apply their learning
Not a bad effort to complete a busy weekend. Well done to all